Zotero will ask you whether you want to import the reference into one labelled Citations. When the download is complete, double click it.ĭ. At the BOTTOM of an individual entry, often at the end of the full-text, you will find several options:Ĭ.

Gale Databases cannot import a group of citations (List of items-see icon above) so you have to import one citation at a time.Ī. Clicking these icons will save the item(s) to your Zotero Collection. The icons will change depending on the item. This includes when using Laurentian's Omni catalogue, as well as Google Scholar and all databases on the following platforms: Ebsco, Engineering Village, ProQuest, and Ovid. Most of the time you should be able to add references to Zotero directly. I. Keep Zotero OPEN on your desktop, with the collection you are using highlighted.
Zotero safari connector not working how to#
The following steps document how to prevent Zotero from synchronizing PDFs and other attachments. Similarly, if you lose access to your computer (for example, if the hard drive fails), then when you synchronize with your Zotero account you will have to manually download all of the PDFs and other attachments again. Zotero needs the PDFs locally to create a searchable full-text index, so if you do not synchronize the PDFs, then you can only search the subset of PDFs that were downloaded to each computer. The drawback to this option is that not synchronizing PDFs makes it harder to work with Zotero on multiple computers.
Zotero safari connector not working pdf#
300 MB is enough to synchronize hundreds of thousands of citations and PDF annotations with your Zotero account. The free tier of your Zotero account includes 300 MB storage.